I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Bielefeld and a Research Affiliate at CESifo. Previously, I spent one great year as a PostDoc working with Maria Bas for the ANR Project Moquat on Globalisation, Product Quality and Employment Effects. I have been an external consultant for the World Bank. I hold a PhD in Economics from a joint program between Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies and Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (about this on Twitter!). My work has been advised by Lionel Fontagné and Giovanni Dosi.
My current research focuses on the following areas:
Trade Agreements and Regional Supply Chains
Non-tariff measures (NTMs) and their impact on firms' production networks and exports
Trade Elasticity and Firm Dynamics
Globalization and Labor Market Dynamics
You can contact me at firstname.lastname@uni-bielefeld.de